Some of my made favorite photos. Use them as you wish, enjoy ! :) Most of the panoramas here are done using Hugin. HDR editing done using Luminance HDR. Some of the effects and editing also done in Darktable and Gimp. Occasionally photo resolution and fidelity is increased using Real-ESRGAN AI.

/ microscopic

<== parent directory

Drosera rotundifolia under microscope, 1
(1563x1041, 781x520)

Drosera rotundifolia under microscope, 2
(1563x1041, 781x520)

Drosera rotundifolia under microscope, 3
(1563x1041, 781x520)

Drosera rotundifolia under microscope, 4
(1563x1041, 781x520)

Ladybug (zoom 1)
(1931x2926, 965x1463, 482x731)

Ladybug (zoom 3)
(1563x1041, 781x520)

(2965x1946, 1482x973, 741x486)

UV erasable EPROM chip
(3126x2082, 1563x1041, 781x520)

(3049x2028, 1524x1014, 762x507)

brown sugar (zoom 1)
(3080x2032, 1540x1016, 770x508)

brown sugar (zoom 2)
(3115x2071, 1557x1035, 778x517)

cream, 2
(1563x1041, 781x520)

(1563x1041, 781x520)

dandelion seed, 6 (under microscope)
(3097x2061, 1548x1030, 774x515)

dandelion seed, 7 (under microscope)
(1563x1041, 781x520)

dandelion, 1
(3126x2082, 1563x1041, 781x520)

dandelion, 2
(3126x2082, 1563x1041, 781x520)

dandelion, 3
(3126x2076, 1563x1038, 781x519)

dandelion, 4
(3051x1952, 1525x976, 762x488)

dandelion, 5

fossilized plant leafs
(3124x2082, 1562x1041, 781x520)

(1563x1041, 781x520)

human hair strand
(1563x1041, 781x520)

(3026x2024, 1513x1012, 756x506)

leaf under microscope
(3126x2082, 1563x1041, 781x520)

mandarin peels under microscope
(3078x2050, 1539x1025, 769x512)

marker glowing in UV within euro paper currency
(1563x1041, 781x520)

moss (under microscope)
(2975x1967, 1487x983, 743x491)

moss, 2 (under microscope)
(2994x1970, 1497x985, 748x492)

moss, 3 (under microscope)
(3048x2023, 1524x1011, 762x505)

onion, (zoom 1)
(3073x2045, 1536x1022, 768x511)

onion, (zoom 2)
(3126x2082, 1563x1041, 781x520)

onion, (zoom 3)
(1563x1041, 781x520)

paper from book (zoom 1)
(1563x1041, 781x520)

paper from book (zoom 2)
(1563x1041, 781x520)

plant 1, 1
(1884x2194, 942x1097, 471x548)

plant 1, 2
(3103x2063, 1551x1031, 775x515)

plant 1, 3 (under microscope)
(3126x2080, 1563x1040, 781x520)

plant 1, 4 (under microscope)
(3104x2061, 1552x1030, 776x515)

plant 1, 5 (under microscope)
(3085x2055, 1542x1027, 771x513)

plant 1, 6 (under microscope)
(3069x2044, 1534x1022, 767x511)

plant 1, 7 (under microscope)
(3060x2034, 1530x1017, 765x508)

plant 2, 1 (under microscope)
(2641x1986, 1320x993, 660x496)

plant 2, 2 (under microscope)
(3126x2082, 1563x1041, 781x520)

plant 3, 1 (under microscope)
(1998x2193, 999x1096, 499x548)

plant 3, 2 (under microscope)
(3045x2042, 1522x1021, 761x510)

plant 3, 3 (under microscope)
(3094x2057, 1547x1028, 773x514)

plant 3, 4 (under microscope)
(3057x2005, 1528x1002, 764x501)

plant 5, 1 (under microscope)
(1000x1148, 500x574)

plant 5, 2 (under microscope)
(2979x1944, 1489x972, 744x486)

plant 6, 1 (under microscope)
(1868x1457, 934x728)

plant 6, 2 (under microscope)
(3005x1901, 1502x950, 751x475)

plant 6, 3 (under microscope)
(3083x2052, 1541x1026, 770x513)

plant 7, 1 (under microscope)
(1126x1023, 563x511)

plant 7, 2 (under microscope)
(3037x2017, 1518x1008, 759x504)

Video: small animals swimming in dirty water, 2             download

Video: small animals swimming in dirty water             download

Svjatoslav Agejenko homepage.